Cosmetics, moisturizers & fragrance aren’t supposed to last forever, in fact most are not designed to last more than 3 or 4 years at the very tops, and improper storage can ruin them even more quickly. So keep your cosmetics in a dark cool place and keep in mind that no matter when you bought them, if they change in consistency or start to smell bad just get rid of them.
Here are some important guidelines that the experts recommend. They are not only based on safety but on how long your products remain effective. Save yourself the risk of infections, acne and rashes by putting a purchase date label on all products you use on your skin.
Always wash and dry your hands before applying any cosmetic or facial treatments, and if you use makeup brushes clean them at least once a week as well. Keep your grooming items away from heat and moisture a cool, dry, dark place for best results.
FOUNDATION Liquid Water Based 12 months ~ Liquid Oil Based 18 months ~ Loose or Pressed Powder 18 months. Throw out sooner if the pigment has started to change or the consistency becomes clumpy. If you're using a cream concealer to cover up acne, chances are it has allot of bacteria on it. Shave off the top layer occasionally to keep it clean.
LIPSTICK 3 years ~ LIP LINER PENCILS 2 years ~ Lipsticks with SPF factor may lose their effectiveness after 3 years. If you had a cold sore or other type of infection while using it consider throwing it away. At the very least wipe the entire lipstick thoroughly with a clean tissue. If the lip liner pencil starts to stick and get more difficult to use it's time to toss.
3 to 4 months ~ Because the process of applying involves moving the wand from lashes to bottle and back, the risk of introducing bacteria is high. A new tube every three to four months is sensible eye hygiene.
3 years ~ If either power or cream varieties exhibit an order or a color or texture change, discard sooner.
Pencil 2 years ~ Liquid 3 to 6 months
2 years ~ Be alert to changes in color, smell or consistency.
1 year opened - 2 years unopened ~ Facial moisturizers that have added ingredients -- like antioxidants or vitamins A, C, or E expire more quickly because they're sensitive to light. Body lotions last up to three years. Toss if you see a change in color, consistency, or smell at all.
12 to 18 months ~ TONER 1 year ~ You can prolong the life of your cleansers in jars by using a small spoon or cosmetic spatula instead of your fingers to remove the product from its packaging.
2 years typically or only 1 year if exposed repeatedly to extreme heat ~ To be sure your SPF is in full effect, buy a new bottle every Summer. This also goes for self-tanning products, whether or not they contain SPF. Expired self-tanners take on a funny smell when they're past their prime. They become less effective and you may get a lighter or inconsistent "tan".
Overall 1 to 4 years ~ Perfume Fades in 1 to 2 years ~ Body Sprays 2 to 4 years. ~ Fragrance can change over time so toss if you don't like the scent anymore as exposure to air changes the composition. Keep your scented products in the fridge or in the box they came in. Sunlight and heat accelerate the aging process, so keeping your body splashes, perfume and colognes on in the refrigerator keeps them fresh.
3 years ~ The active ingredients don't last forever, and once they're inert, the deodorant isn't effective.
3 years ~ Body washes have a lower pH level than bar soap and therefore are milder to the skin than. Many find body wash to be more convenient since there is no messy bar to deal with and find it more sanitary because more than one person can use it, each with their own pouf, body brush or washcloth.
6 months to 4 years (unopened will last indefinitely) ~ The less it's exposed to air and sunlight the longer it last. Once the texture gets gunky or separates it’s time to toss. For longest results, store in the refrigerator.
If taken good care of can last years. ~ For natural brushes, purchase a new one when the hairs are breaking away at the base or are falling out onto your face when you use it. Synthetic brushes should be tossed when they start to fray or lose their shape. It is important to keel your brushes clean because it helps not only to extend the life of your other products, but it keeps your skin clearer and happier.
Information for this blog collected with gratitude from reliable resources as well as my own personal experiences.
Avon was the first corporation to completely stop all animal testing. AVON cosmetics are major financial supporters of the Breast Cancer Crusade and Domestic Violence Awareness